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satisfy himself中文是什么意思

用"satisfy himself"造句"satisfy himself"怎么读"satisfy himself" in a sentence


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  • Occasionally he put up a hand to satisfy himself hair remained undisturbed .
  • He had fitted in sufficiently to satisfy his fellows but not to satisfy himself
  • Asked heathcliff , having satisfied himself that the limbs were all equally frail and feeble
  • His letters were ignored . to satisfy himself that they had been received , he registered several of them
  • Having heard their voices while yet some way off he had ridden creepingly forward , and learnt enough to satisfy himself
  • He thought he would satisfy himself on that point ; so he searched around till he found a small sandy spot with a little funnel - shaped depression in it
  • Only , in order to satisfy himself that it really belongs to us , he wishes you to relate to him , as i have done already , the miraculous manner in which the diamond came into our possession
  • He looked at his watch as though to ascertain whether his fathers habits had changed during the time he had not seen him , and satisfying himself that they were unchanged , he turned to his wife
  • Albert passed his hand through his hair , and curled his mustache , then , having satisfied himself as to his personal appearance , followed the count into the room , the latter having previously resumed his hat and gloves
  • Then , having satisfied himself that all eyes were fixed upon him , he gesticulated , as though he were carefully lifting some unseen precious object over his head in both hands , holding it there some seconds , and all at once with a desperate movement flinging it away
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